Conservation Agriculture is a farming system that can prevent losses of arable land while regenerating degraded lands
Promoting maintenance of a permanent soil cover, minimum soil disturbance, and diversification of plant species.
Enhancing biodiversity and natural biological processes above and below the ground surface
Contributing to increased water and nutrient use efficiency and to improved and sustained crop production.
SACAN Services was established duly registered with relevant authorities in 2008 with the aim to combat resource degradation caused by conservative agricultural practices being followed for crop production to meet food, fiber and shelter requirements of the growing population of Pakistan. SACAN through its subsidiaries – SACAN Services, SACAN Consultants, and SACAN Supplies – provides inputs for the promotion, training and capacity building, research, fine-tuning and development of Agriculture Resource Conservation Technologies (ARCTs) besides supply of technical knowledge, human resources, machinery and equipment to the public and private enterprises.
Mission Statement
To bring a paradigm shift from Conservative to Conservation Agriculture for a quantum jump in an agricultural growth trajectory and its sustainability in order to;
- Improve livelihoods
- Reduce poverty
- Foster food security
- Promote environment-friendly agriculture.
We provide ongoing property maintenance which includes lawn mowing, fertilizing, spring and fall cleanups, de-thatching, aerating, seeding, mulching, edging, herbicide application, plant health care, snow plowing, pruning, and tree care and removal.
Providing consultancy services in Climate Smart Agriculture Resource Conservation Technologies (CSARCTs) to enhance agriculture productivity.
Trainings and capacity building of farmers/water users, Agriculture Service Providers (ASPs), professionals and stakeholders
Information Sharing
Providing platform for sharing of information and its dissemination amongst farming communities
Awareness campaigns, demonstration and dissemination of Climate Smart Agriculture Resource Conservation Technologies (CSARCTs) and innovative farm mechanization interventions
Undertake monitoring and impact evaluation studies related to socio-agro-economic, technical and environmental aspects of irrigated and rain fed agriculture projects
Make use of latest tools and technology to help gain sustainable ecosystem.
Need assessment and Baseline socio-agro-economic and irrigation practices of irrigation and drainage projects
Promoting interaction amongst regional, national and international Institutions for acquisition, indigenization, fine tuning, testing, validation and promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture Resource Conservation Technologies (CSARCTs) and innovative farm mechanization
Encouraging collaborations with national networks and associations aiming at the promotion of conservation agriculture.
SACAN Value Added Services
Our valued added chain of services include Designing and Implementation of On-Farm Irrigation Schemes, Promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture Resource Conservation Technologies (CSARCTs) through training, field visits/traveling seminars and capacity building of farmers, Agriculture Service Providers (ASPs), and professionals for adoption to enhance agriculture productivity.
SACAN Documentries